Thursday, October 21, 2010

Delta Gamma... How do I love thee...

So at the beginning of this semester I decided to rush... Rush as in get beautiful and meet all the sororities at my campus to see if i could find some where- anywhere actually- that i truly belonged. I got half way thru the fantastic experience that is Rush and then disaster strikes! My poor defenseless laptop takes a tumble and my hard drive is lost forever.... I drop Rush because financially this move has devastated me... I drop after I have completed sister hood night. After i have met and fallen in love with a sorority. Needless to say.... I'm crushed.

Bid day rolls around and i watch as girls straggle into the dorms. They have their new bid day shirts on and their doors begin to get decorated. I am sad. Why oh why did my laptop have to betray the way it had??? Then wonder of wonders I get an email form the President of Delta Gamma!! They liked me- really really liked me- and want to know if i am still interested. OF COURSE. But wait.... money problems sit in the back of my mind and i tell myself. We will make this work!! DG is were i belong!! I scramble to work out my money issues. Maybe if i work more shifts and stop blowing my money like a child with bubbles i could do it!

I hang out with the girls just once at an intramural flag football game... They are so unique and utterly fantastic! I pray that i can become a part of them. Maybe a week later on a Thursday i am eating with my Best Friend and i get a phone call. It's the Delta Gammas and they offer me a bid.... I'm not gonna lie. I did a happy dance right there in the cafeteria.... OF COURSE i excepted the bid.

New Member meetings start.... So much new information is thrown at me. I am excited. I get like 30 something friend requests on Facebook! I have Sisters popping up in classes that i didn't realize were even there. I wear my Letters and feel proud... oh so proud. I now have a history, a heritage, and a family! I love my new Sisters!!!

Big/Lil revealement week starts. My first day of presents obviously has a Memphis Tigers them! Everything is utterly amazing!! I love all my surprises and can't wait to discover who my Big is!!! Life is so great when you are a DELTA GAMMA!!

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